Portfolio news SOCOTEC

Global provider in inspection, certification, and testing services (“TIC”), ensuring safety and quality across industries.

#socotec #stakes #rincentbtp
17 Apr '13

Acquisition of a 40% stake in Rincent BTP

Socotec has established itself on the infrastructure market by creating a dedicated independent company known as "Socotec Infrastructure", and by acquiring a 40% stake in the company Rincent BTP, a major player in measurement and testing.

Aimed at infrastructures of any kind - urban, industrial, transport, water and energy - Socotec's Infrastructure business line is managed by Yves Bozzi, and is organised in four departments: Supervision of Surveys, Inspection of Works, Inspections & Diagnostics, and Measurements.

The alliance created between Socotec and Rincent BTP, two technical risk management companies with complementary know-how, will offer global quality, safety and sustainability monitoring services for infrastructures, throughout their life cycle. Socotec can therefore assist public works authorities, project managers, concessionaires, builders, investors, etc.