Corporate news Cobepa

21 Sep '22

Cobepa cycles 124km for the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity

Cobepa joined White & Case in Champagne for their "Cycling for Hope" initiative, a charity bike ride from Brussels to Provence to raise funds for the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity.

It is with great enthusiasm that Cobepa accepted White & Case’s invitation to join them on their cycling challenge from Brussels to Provence for the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity.

Across two days, 17 colleagues rode 124km in Champagne to raise funds for the Demoucelle Parkinson Charity, which invests in the most promising projects worldwide to find a cure for Parkinson’s disease.

“We congratulate White & Case for organizing this great initiative. All the participants’ commitment for this cause is nothing short of extraordinary. We are very proud to raise awareness of this terrible, often ‘hidden’ disease and we hope our contribution will help fund scientific breakthroughs to help shape a better future for patients”, says Jean-Marie Laurent Josi, CEO of Cobepa.

You can watch a short clip of our cycling tour on our LinkedIn page here.